I could build the mansion that is higher than the dreams I could have all the gifts I want and never ask please I could fly to Paris. It\'s at my beck and call, Why do I live my life alone with nothing at all But when I dream, I dream of you, Maybe someday you will come true. When I dream, I dream of you Maybe someday you will come true I can be the singer or the clown in any role I can call up someone to take me to the moon I can put my makeup on and drive the man insane I can go to bed alone and never know his name But when I dream, I dream of yon in any role I can call up someone to take me to the moon I can put my makeup on and drive the man insane I can go to bed alone and never know his name
carol kidd(卡萝尔·基德)是英国老牌的抒情爵士歌后,三度获得英国爵士大奖“最佳演唱”奖殊荣,被尊称为kidd姐.从1991年开始,她就在法国与英国获得多项爵士音乐大奖与皇室勋章的殊荣,同时她也是40年来第一位踏入中国大陆的英国爵士艺人。不久前的韩国电影「鱼」swiri)选定“when i dream”为主题曲, 结果该片创下韩国电影史的最高票房纪录,“when i dream”也蝉连了14周流行排行榜冠军,