走过了忧伤,以后就不再逞强 人,都是任性的,很多时候没有给自己留下一小步退路 从此,学着去坚强
醒不过来 要怎样的清晰才能看明白这世界呢? 无论心情有多反复,如果可以.只当作自己是快乐的
太多自我挣扎的情绪,好累哦 想停下来喘口气,却越觉得哪都不属于自己 总在对自己反复的考验,料到了后果却还坚持了 好象最后总是自己一个人在犯傻
次刻,我念着一个朋友,好久没联系,不知怎样,可好呢??? 想说的话,只换来一阵沉寂 走出生命外好远好远,已经辨别不出方向,只剩感觉,依稀 不希望连这感觉也变得陌生
才发现自己的music角落里深藏有好多宝贝 此刻,好喜欢 A Perfect Indian ,在自己地盘挖到的宝
A Perfect Indian sing by Sinead O'Cornner
A Perfect Indian is he Remembering him life is sweet Like a weeping willow His face on my pillow Comes to me still in my dreams And there I saw a young baby A beautiful daughter was she A face from a painting Red cheeks and teeth aching Her eyes like a wild Irish sea On a table in her yellow dress For a photograph feigned happiness Why in my life is that the only time That any of you will smile at me I'm sailing on this terrible ocean I've come for my self to retrieve Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children And there's only one way to be free He's shy and he speaks quietly He's gentle and he seems to me Like the elf-arrow His face worn and harrowed Is he a daydreamer like me